Integrating Reiki
& Psychotherapy
starts September 26, 2024
This experiential learning and mentorship group explores how to offer Reiki-informed Psychotherapy, allowing clients to experience deeper levels of awareness, insight, healing, and self-knowledge.
Over six weeks participants will learn techniques, observe demonstrations, participate in group experiential practices, and deepen their understanding of how Reiki-informed Psychotherapy can benefit clients and therapists alike.
It is suggested that you have at least Reiki Level 1 training to make best use of this group, however those without training are welcome to register. You will have the option to “add on” registration to an in-person training in Manhattan NY on 10/6 for a discounted price

6 Thursdays from 7pm-8:30pm
9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, and 12/5
$275 for the whole series
($45 per class)
Sliding scale is available and you can register with a 20% deposit,
keep reading for more info
This group is especially for psychotherapists who have an interest in energy healing and would like to more deeply integrate Energywork into their therapy practice. It may also be of interest to those who are planning to pursue hypnosis training, as my style is influenced by my background in Ericksonian Hypnosis.
Part consultation, and part practice group, we will dive deep into how we work with clients and I will demonstrate techniques with participants each week.
You will have the opportunity to share, to experience, and to witness some of the ways that Energywork can enhance the therapeutic process.
In order to keep the cost as low as possible, this mentorship experience is being offer virtually. In many states and licenses psychotherapists are prohibited from touching clients, so demonstrating these techniques virtually will also show that it's possible to work this way even if you're not in the same room. Utilizing Reiki in psychotherapy is an impactful and effective way to increase the quality of connection in virtual therapy.
ALL classes will be recorded, for your future use and for those who cannot attend a session live
O v e r v i e w
Somatic Energy Awareness and Release
Weeks 1 & 2
Our series begins with an exploration of how Reiki can inform, deepen, and assist clients with their ability to observe and be present with the body. We will establish some foundational concepts of transmitting reiki during therapy, and establishing consent.
We will expand on somatic awareness and explore techniques for moving and releasing somatic energy, weaving together verbal interventions with energy interventions
Reiki and Inner Child Work
Weeks 3 & 4
An overview of inner child(ren) work will be discussed, and techniques will be explored through cultivating the resources of the inner child, and offering healing to the inner child. Reiki has the ability to move backwards and forwards in time, and can be of particular use to those who struggle with identifying concrete memories of childhood. These weeks have the particular benefit of allowing participants to experience the impact of reiki on this type of self-exploration, and perhaps some personal healing.
Dreamwork and Future Selves
Weeks 5 & 6
There are so many ways that we can use Reiki to enhance our therapeutic work, and based on the general interest of past cohorts, we will explore two potent realms to experience the healing power of Reiki:
First we will explore a collaborative dreamwork practice using Reiki to connect and move with the energy of a dream. This technique is informed by Gestalt Dreamwork practices, with a focus on energy.
In our final week we will review and synthesize our learning and dream into the future: how do you wish to work with these new practices? This is a time for deeper consultation, and we will end with a group Reiki experiential for supporting your future self, as you endeavor into new ways of working with others. We will also consider how this experience may have changed your approach to personal healing.
Registration for this therapeutic group includes:
Six 1.5 hour meetings on Thursday nights over Zoom
A free digital copy of Inward Vision: a Trauma Recovery Workbook
Downloadable Recordings of the groups, yours to keep
Follow up emails with suggested practices and readings
Optional supports:
Discounted 30 and 60 min consultation sessions
Discounted registration for in-person Reiki Level 1 training on October 6 (when you register for this series, check the box in step 1 to “add on” the Reiki Training for $175)
You can elect to be paired with an accountability/practice partner! (this is a great way to meet someone new, have a venue to practice techniques in a supportive space, and deepen your learning in between classes)
Pricing and Sliding Scale:
$45 per class
Your full fee registration makes sliding scale possible, allowing those with limited resources to register at a reduced cost
$33.33 per class
Your registration fee allows me to support myself and remain nourished as I offer this work
Use the code RP75 when you register to join this tier
$25 per class
Your payment covers the cost of participation in the group. Choose this option of you are under financial strain, working in a community/agency setting, or would not be able to attend this class at the supporting cost.
Please note there are a limited number of spaces offered at this rate
Use the code RP125 when you register to join this tier