Reiki Level 1 for Psychotherapists 

Training and Certification

the next training is on October 6 from 11am-6pm

in-person with one hour lunch break, Midtown Manhattan, NY

Reiki is an energy healing modality, with many possible applications for Therapists. This training is a first step for those interested in Reiki-informed Psychotherapy, but is also a thorough introduction to the practice of Reiki.

All Reiki training begins with the physical (Level 1), which creates the foundation for practice. For many therapists, this seems to suggest that Reiki cannot be used to enhance therapy practices until Level 2 and beyond.

I developed this training to deepen your understanding of energy, while also exploring how we can observe and work with energy in our sessions. Whether you choose to offer Reiki directly alongside your therapy practice, or prefer to focus on self-care, this training is an expansive exploration of a Reiki-inspired approach to life.

Reiki can be defined as Universal or Spiritual Energy. It is lifeforce energy, that quality that makes something alive.

Reiki Level 1 prepares us to work with Reiki energy on the physical level, including bones, joints, tissues, organs, and the nervous system. Upon completion of Level 1 you will be able to practice with friends and family (and yourself!) and to begin incorporating the practices into your personal life. The first degree of Reiki explores Reiki’s history, how it works, and presents the art of channeling energy.

This training includes:

  • Brief history of reiki (from a decolonial perspective)

  • Overview of energy, and how we work with it

  • The precepts (foundational concepts of practice)

  • Ethics of reiki

  • Attunement to reiki energy (sealed for life)

  • Hands positions (Tenohira) for working with others and ourselves

  • Practical techniques for beginning to incorporate reiki into therapy contexts

  • Paired practice

  • Special Topics, as determined by the unique interests of the group

  • Preview into Level 2

  • Practice Manual

The next training is on

October 6, 2024 from 11am-6pm in NYC.

Pricing and Sliding Scale:


Your full fee registration makes sliding scale possible


Your registration fee allows me to support myself and remain nourished as I offer this work

Use the code R20% when you register to join this tier


Your payment covers the cost of your participation in the group.

Please choose this option of you are under financial strain or would not be able to attend this training at the supporting cost

Use the code R35% when you register to join this tier